Special Notice:
The Indiana Core Academic Skills Assessment (CASA) and CORE Assessments are no longer being administered. Information about Indiana licensure requirements is available at the IDOE website .
- About CASA: Find information about each test, including when and where you can test.
- Register: Learn more about the online registration process.
- Scores: Access your score report and review your testing history.
- Policies: Review the testing, registration, and score reporting policies.
Important Announcements
The CASA is no longer offered.
Prospective Candidates
Quick links to program essentials to start you on your way:
Returning Visitors
Quick links for candidates who have already registered to test:
For Institutions
Vouchers are available for purchase by educator preparation programs to provide candidates with full or partial credit toward fees for test registration.
Testing History for CORE Assessments
Examinees who previously created an account through this website and took an Indiana CORE assessment for educator licensure administered by Evaluation Systems can view their testing history, reported as a pass/fail status, via their accounts. Testing histories are available for examinees who took any Indiana CORE assessment on or before August 31, 2021.